10 Reasons you should start eating raw shallots

Saturday, May 5, 2012

1) They're better than onions (more anti-oxidants, minerals, and vitamins)
2) High in Vitamin C, potassium, dietary fiber, folic acid; good source of calcium, iron, protein
3) Aids brain function and helps prevents Alzheimer's disease
4) Easily digested
5) Lowers blood sugar levels for those with diabetes
6) Cancer prevention: liver, stomach
7) Boosts immune system
8) Thins the blood to help prevent against cardiovascular diseases
9) Promote liver health
10) Makes skin look younger

I have a whole array of weird eating habits, but I consider myself lucky to have habits like these that keep me balanced next to the 12" pizzas that I swallowed the other day.

My mom had 3 slices and I ravished the rest.


Apps for health & fitness

I always gain so much weight during hibernation season. Except this year, the weather has proved to be indecisive so my body hasn't gotten the message that it should've started preparing for summer a while ago. I always have to lose some weight before summer because most of my shorts are a size smaller than my jeans. Plus I'm semi committed to doing an 3-mile obstacle course in less than 2 months, which is not much, but I can't jog for more than 5 minutes at a time, let alone jump over fire.

I love exercising when I can commit to it, but exercise comes in spurts for me. Either I do it intensely or I slack off intensely. But these are some of my favorite fitness iPad/iPhone apps that I keep coming back to so they must be doing something right.

1) Self Magazine - free to download, costs to subscribe

I've never subscribed to the paper version of the magazine but this app is so much fun! I remember the first time I opened it, I was in awe of "sliding your finger over person to make them move" in a Harry Potter-esque fashion. You can click on any headline on the cover and it will bring you to that article, that might be filled with interactive goodies. Self also provides videos and direct product links without having to type longURL.com/even/longer-url.htm.This was really helpful during vacations where I didn't have access to machines and weights. Most of their workout moves do not require any extra equipment. They also offer a lot of nutrition and hygiene info.

2) Workout Trainer - free

This app is free but their workout programs come at a cost of $10 each. But there are a lot of freebies in there that you can use without ever purchasing extra. The freebies include cardio, quick core workouts, stretching, yoga, tests, and specialty (rock climbing, biking, walking) regimes. Or you can pick exercises by goal (weight loss) or targeted body parts (arms, legs). This is the closest you'll find to a personal trainer.

2) MyFitnessPal - free 

I hate watching what I eat. I'd rather eat whatever I want and work it all off. But then my exercise habits become primarily sedentary and I start chewing things out of stress. I like MFP because it makes it fun to keep track of your food. If you can't find your food product through search, you can scan the bar code. It is a little time consuming to fill everything in, but seeing the overall result is very satisfying. You can also put in your exercise for the day so it can deduct it from your food calories (aka letting you eat even more). I love using it but as you can see, I rarely do. But did I mention how free it is?

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