10 Reasons you should start eating raw shallots

Saturday, May 5, 2012

1) They're better than onions (more anti-oxidants, minerals, and vitamins)
2) High in Vitamin C, potassium, dietary fiber, folic acid; good source of calcium, iron, protein
3) Aids brain function and helps prevents Alzheimer's disease
4) Easily digested
5) Lowers blood sugar levels for those with diabetes
6) Cancer prevention: liver, stomach
7) Boosts immune system
8) Thins the blood to help prevent against cardiovascular diseases
9) Promote liver health
10) Makes skin look younger

I have a whole array of weird eating habits, but I consider myself lucky to have habits like these that keep me balanced next to the 12" pizzas that I swallowed the other day.

My mom had 3 slices and I ravished the rest.


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  1. Instead of sauteeing shallots, oinions for this matter, can they just be added raw to sauces, thereby being poached rather then frying?


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